Speakers Bureau

This resource, coordinated by the Office of Institutional Transformation, features Notre Dame faculty and staff available to deliver keynote presentations or guide discussions on a variety of topics related to creating an environment of welcoming and belonging. Speakers have selected topics (listed below) that align with their expertise and experiences. About the Speakers Bureau.

To request a speaker, please contact a them directly via email to extend an invitation to present at a meeting, workshop, conference, etc. To inquire about joining the Speakers Bureau, please email the Office of Institutional Transformation at transformation@nd.edu.


  1. Alicia Bates headshot

    Alicia Bates

    Advisor to the Dean of Lib Adv, Hesburgh Libraries


    • Professional counterspaces
    • Professional development
    • Social media
    • DiSC personality and behavioral assessment facilitator
  2. Crystal Artis Bates headshot

    Crystal Bates

    DEI Program Director, Dean's Offc-School of Architecture


    • Invisibility/hypervisibility of people of color in primarily white institution spaces
    • Bias
    • Microagressions and macroagressions
    • Restorative approaches to cultural offenses
    • Developing cultural competencies
    • Well-being and psychological safety (in young people and adults)
    • College admissions
    • Leadership development and coaching
  3. Denise Brenes headshot

    Denise Brenes

    Student Success Asst Dir, Multicultural Stu Progs and Servs


    • Critcal Race Theory
    • Racial battle fatigue
    • Microaggressions and macroaggressions
    • Allyship
    • Women of color feminisms/intersectionality/affect
    • Working at historically white institutions/decolonizing the academy
  4. Kristen Collett-Schmitt headshot

    Kristen Collett-Schmitt

    Teaching Professor, Finance


    • Women's empowerment
    • Imposter syndrome
    • Authentic leadership
  5. Fr. Joe Corpora headshot

    Rev. Joe Corpora, C.S.C.

    Education & Outreach Assoc Dir, Transformational Leaders Program


    • Supporting students who are first-generation or from low-income backgrounds
    • Supporting undocumented/DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) students
    • Understanding diversity, equity, and inclusion through Catholic Social Teaching
  6. Mary Davis headshot

    Mary Davis

    CSLC Assistant Director, CSLC-Ctr for Study of Lang. & Cult.


    • Supporting international and undocumented students
    • Cultural adjustment
    • Intercultural communication and development
    • Name pronunciation microaggressions and accent bias
  7. Dory Mitros Durham headshot

    Dory Durham

    Associate Teaching Professor, Klau Ctr. for Civil & Human Rights


    • Understanding and overcoming bias
    • Reading group facilitator for many diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice related texts
  8. Kelsey Forry headshot

    Kelsey Forry

    Alumni Educ Program Director, Alumni Association


    • Diversity, equity, and inclusion discussion facilitation
    • College admissions process for high school students pursuing creative careers (arts, music, entertainment)
  9. Max Gaston headshot

    Max Gaston

    Law DEI Prg Dir, Law School Career Development Offc.


    • The neuroscience of unconscious bias
    • Habits of mind
    • Cross-cultural competence
    • Microagressions
    • Inclusive leadership and building inclusive culture
    • Civil rights
    • Voting rights
    • Historical and contemporary issues in Haiti
    • Law school admissions
    • The imposter phenomenon
    • Mindfulness-based stress reduction
    • Cycle of violence in abusive relationships
  10. Ricky Herbst headshot

    Richard Herbst

    Cinema Program Director, Performing Arts Administrative


    • How to teach with documentary films
    • Intersectionality and censorship
    • Queer representation
    • Resume writing
    • Privacy laws
    • Filing human rights violations
    • Applying to law school
    • Forming 501c3s
  11. Paige Jackson headshot

    Paige Jackson

    Law & Grad Business Assoc Dir, Annual Giving - Senior Director


    • Racial battle fatigue/racial microaggression
    • Bystander training
  12. Eve Kelly

    Eve Kelly

    Executive Director for Institutional Transformation and Staff Belonging


    • Microaggressions and subtle acts of exclusion
    • Bias mitigation
    • Communicating across difference
    • Educational access
    • Supporting students who are first-generation or from low-income backgrounds
  13. Tara Kenjockety headshot

    Tara Kenjockety

    Assistant Librarian, Hesburgh Libraries


    • Information literacy/critical thinking skills/library skills
    • First-generation support
    • BIPOC (black, indigenous, and other people of color)  student support
    • American Indian student support
  14. Cecilia Lucero headshot

    Cecilia Lucero

    Advising Professor, Center for University Advising


    • Supporting students who are first-generation or from low-income backgrounds
    • Supporting undocumented/DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) students
    • Supporting students of color
    • SEED  (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity) facilitator
    • Academic advising
    • Storytelling and performance
    • Microaggressions, implicit bias, and cultural competence
  15. Joan McClendon headshot

    Joan Mcclendon

    VP Enrollment Senior Counselor, VP for Undergraduate Enrollment


    • Compassionate listening circles
    • Empathy
    • Self-care
  16. Maria McKenna headshot

    Maria McKenna

    Professor of the Practice, Inst for Educational Initiatives


    • Allyship
    • Supporting students who are first-generation or from low-income backgrounds
    • Educational inequity
    • SEED  (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity) facilitator
    • Supporting undocumented/DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) students
  17. Jessica McManus Warnell

    Jessica McManus Warnell

    Teaching Professor, Management & Organization


    • Inclusive leadership
    • Managing across differences
    • Business ethics
    • Supporting students
  18. Calvin Metts headshot

    Calvin Metts

    Mgr Executive Chef Morris Inn, Hotel Retail Outlets


    • Raising kind and curious children
  19. Leslie Morgan headshot

    Leslie Morgan

    Concurrent Associate Professional Specialist, First Year of Studies


    • Navigating diversity, equity, and inclusion in librarianship
  20. Alyssa Ngo headshot

    Alyssa Ngo

    Student Leadership Asst Dir, Multicultural Stu Progs and Servs


    • Facilitating student engagement and leadership
    • Multicultural student club programming and support
    • Current events and status of Notre Dame multicultural clubs and organizations
  21. Christa Strickler headshot

    Christa Strickler

    Associate Librarian, Hesburgh Libraries


    • Diversity, equity, and inclusion in library cataloging and classification (e.g., racism, ableism, etc. embedded in library classification systems)
    • Offensive language used in Library of Congress Subject Headings
    • Power and responsibility in describing information resources
    • Diversity, equity, and inclusion limitations of epistemologies underlying library information organization
    • Diversity, equity, and inclusion in library information organization (through a Protestant theological lens)
  22. Tahra Taylor headshot

    Tahra Taylor

    MBA Career Develop Assoc Dir, MGP Career Development


    • Career coaching
    • Leadership coaching
    • 360-degree feedback coaching
    • Human Resources topics