The Interfaith Notre Dame Initiative participates in interfaith prayer service as part of Cultural Relations Week

Author: Lestitian, Chloe

Interfaith Prayer Service
Interfaith Prayer Service 3

The Interfaith Notre Dame Initiative, a student initiative sponsored by the Ansari Institute, had the privilege of collaborating with Notre Dame Student Government and Campus Ministry for an interfaith prayer service. The service was hosted by the Student Government Department of Diversity and Inclusion: Race and Ethnicity, and it was the first event of Cultural Relations Week.

This inspiring and thoughtful event took place at sunset at the World Peace Plaza where members of the Notre Dame community of different faith traditions gathered to discuss the theme of interfaith unity. Following a beautiful opening by the Voices of Faith Gospel Choir, members of the Jewish Club of Notre Dame, the Muslim Student Association, the South Asian Student Association, and Catholic students shared important passages, personal reflections on the theme of unity, and meaningful music from Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Catholicism. As each student spoke, we were able to connect with one another, to build relationships, to appreciate each other, and listen to and learn from one another. This event was an awesome opportunity to reinforce the importance of promoting meaningful conversation, empathy, understanding, and respect to foster interfaith unity, and how these are things we can implement in our daily lives.

Thank you very much to Luzolo Matundu and Saif Elmaleh, Director and Deputy Director of the Student Government Department of Diversity and Inclusion: Race and Ethnicity and their committee for this wonderful and incredibly meaningful event.

Originally published by Lestitian, Chloe at on October 16, 2023.