Notre Dame provost explores Notre Dame’s rich history and deep ties in Santiago, Chile

Author: Joanna Byrne

John T. McGreevy in Santiago

Provost McGreevy Video ImageProvost John T. McGreevy in conversation with professor Ernesto Escobar Universidad Adolfo Ibañez

In March of this year, Notre Dame's provost, John T. McGreevy, visited Notre Dame Santiago, continuing to build the University’s global strategy against the backdrop of Notre Dame’s longstanding and profound connections in the region.

Three decades of collaboration with Chile

During his visit, the provost engaged in dialogues with leaders from our main partner institution Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC Chile), as well as Universidad de Los Andes, Universidad Alberto Hurtado and Universidad Adolfo Ibañez. The discussion was focused on best practices in global research, as well as strengthening ties in the region. These conversations were a platform for exploring Notre Dame’s strategic goals in the Latin American context, leveraging the wealth of experience and knowledge accumulated over decades of collaboration in Santiago.

“Notre Dame will continue to develop meaningful academic partnerships so that we can no longer pretend that we can address the great problems of the world through one region of one country,” reflects provost McGreevy. “The effort to become more global is as important for the next generation at Notre Dame as the effort to develop research was in the last.”

Provost McGreevy in conversation at UC Chile
Provost McGreevy in conversation at UC Chile

Chile holds a special place in Notre Dame's global network, with Notre Dame Santiago celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, a testament to the enduring relationship between the university and the country. Established just a couple of years after democracy was reinstated in Chile, Notre Dame Santiago reflects the University’s commitment to democracy in Latin America and throughout the world. In the 30 years since its establishment, Notre Dame Santiago has played a vital role in academic exchange and cultural understanding between Notre Dame and Chile.


Advancing global education through strategic partnerships

The provost's visit underscores Notre Dame's commitment to fostering deep and meaningful partnerships with institutions like UC Chile, with whom the university has a rich history of collaboration. UC Chile has been instrumental in offering Notre Dame students a fully immersive educational experience, with students fully embedded in UC Chile's academic environment and taking classes in Spanish. This immersive approach not only enriches students' academic pursuits but also fosters their development as global citizens.

Provost McGreevy with UC Chile President Ignacio Sánchez Díaz
Provost McGreevy receiving a Christ of UC Chile from president Ignacio Sánchez Díaz

The provost also made clear the University’s goal to attract more international undergraduate students to Notre Dame, creating an academic environment that brings together perspectives and experiences from around the world.

This collaboration goes beyond the undergraduate level, as UC Chile was the first university with which Notre Dame made an agreement to provide dual PhD programs, demonstrating their mutual dedication to global postgraduate education.

“Notre Dame undergraduate and graduate students who spend time at Notre Dame Santiago are offered unparalleled opportunities for academic and personal growth," reflects Juan Esteban Montes, director of Notre Dame Santiago. "Through partnership with UC Chile, Notre Dame is able to offer immersive educational experiences, deeply embedded in the cultural fabric of Chile, that not only enrich students' academic pursuits but also cultivate their global citizenship."

As Notre Dame continues to refine its global strategy, partnerships forged in Santiago and beyond will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of higher education and fostering cross-cultural understanding. Through collaborative efforts with institutions worldwide, Notre Dame remains steadfast in its mission to empower students to lead lives of purpose, integrity, and service.

Provost McGreevy with Universidad Adolfo Ibanez
Provost McGreevy with colleagues at Universidad Adolfo Ibañez

Notre Dame Santiago is part of the University of Notre Dame’s global network. Notre Dame Global oversees locations centered in Beijing, Dublin, Hong Kong, Jerusalem, Kylemore, London, Mexico, Mumbai, Nairobi, Rome, Santiago, and São Paulo. These global locations create unique opportunities for Notre Dame to engage the world and the world to engage Notre Dame through scholarly collaboration, undergraduate and graduate study, as well as cooperative programs with governments, foundations, corporations, alumni, parents, and friends of the University.


Originally published by Joanna Byrne at on June 05, 2024.